Dr. Robert W. Flournoy Endowed Scholarship

Dr. Thomas McNeely established these scholarships in recognition of faculty in the School of Biological Sciences who had a significant impact on him and his career. Dr. McNeely earned his Bachelor’s degree at Centenary College and his MS in Biology at Louisiana Tech University.
1.The scholarship recipient(s) must be registered and remain registered as a graduate student for the quarter he/she receives the scholarship at Louisiana Tech University.
2.Scholarship(s) will be awarded annually, with disbursement quarterly.
3.Scholarship(s) shall be awarded to a student pursuing a Master of Science degree in Biology or MSNT
4.The recipient must be passionate about receiving a graduate degree that will prepare him/her for a successful career in a field related to or identified with biology or closely related field.
5.The scholarship shall be intended to assist the recipient(s) in paying any education costs that would otherwise be paid to Louisiana Tech University by the student.
6.The scholarship recipient must submit a letter of recommendation from a faculty advisor and maintain enrollment in an appropriate Graduate Program.
7.The student must be registered as a full-time graduate student each quarter to receive the scholarship, that is a minimum of 6 hours of graduate credit each quarter.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Personal statement describing your career goals, related extra-curricular activites, area of research, and reason for pursuing a graduate degree.
  2. Please enter the name and email address of someone who can provide a letter of recommendation. This person should be someone who is qualified to discuss your academic performance and promise.
  3. what is your graduate program
  4. what is your expected quarter of graduation
  5. What is your Anticipated Future Occupation
  6. Please provide information about your current, pending, and upcoming financial support and include information that demonstrates your current financial need.
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